Frequently Asked Questions
Will caregivers/staff need to attend Formal with Friends? Yes
What is the caregiver/staff responsible for with each Friend they accompany to the Formal? Caregiver/Staff is responsible for all aspects of care for each Friend they bring to the Formal. This includes Medication, Toileting, Care Needs, and to ensure all Friends leave the venue with the same staff as arrival.
What time does the Formal end? The event ends promptly at 10pm. All guests must vacate the ballroom no later than 10pm.
What do I do if my Friend has dietary restrictions? Special diets, dietary restrictions, or allergies will be the responsibility of the friend or caregiver. We will provide a specially mark wristband to best support these requirements.
Will there be medical care on-site? Gatesway will provide a First Aide Station. We are unable to provide any accommodations beyond basic First Aide.
Will there be security on-site? Yes, security will be at the hotel throughout the duration of the event to ensure the safety of all attendees.
Will there be food available at the event? Yes, finger foods and drinks will be provided throughout the evening. It is suggested that Friends eat dinner before arriving at the dance, as a full meal will not be served.
Who do I contact with questions? Please contact Stephanie Ninke at sninke@gatesway.org for any additional questions you may have.